Saturday, September 7, 2013

GR10 // day 40 // Puig Carlit

Distance: 13.0km (785.4km), time spent: 4:22 (306:01).
Ascent / descent: 914m (46978m) / 914m (45302m).
Altitude (start / end / highest): 2010m / 2010m / 2924m.
Weather: Cloudy, grey and rain.

To climb Puig Carlit was something I had thought of for a long time, but there wasn't much hope of getting to the summit after the given weather predictions. But when there is a crimson light over the valley beneath Lac des Bouillouses and no signs of rain in the morning, a small hope is lit. I decide to give it a go, I leave my backpack behind.

Grey clouds over Lac des Bouillouses in the morning.

It's a wonderful landscape above Lac des Bouillouses, with lots of nice lakes with now somber mountains above. It looked bright at the start, but there are dark clouds on its way now. The trail is going up between Tossal Colomer and El Tossal Colomer (amusing names), where the path is going upwards over stone towards a mountain shrouded in clouds.

The path up to the summit of Puig Carlit.

In the last part up to the summit the trail is disappearing in the contours, but the torn stone landscape is making it fairly easy to climb up. There is a gusty wind at the summit, at 2924m, and not unexpectedly no view. Only in small glimpses can I look down at the landscape below, otherwise there is a grey mass that keep me with company. I'm satisfied anyway. There are some few others at the summit, and there are more on the way up.

At the summit of Puig Carlit (2924m), no visibility.

It starts to rain a little bit when I begin to go down. The trail down is easier to find, but the rain is making the stones a little bit slippery and hard to go down on. After having climbed down for about fifteen minutes I look up, it has now stopped raining and there is now a tiny patch of blue above the summit for a very short time. Those that climbed up after me did probably get a little bit more view than I did. It's anyway a nice view from where I stand beneath the clouds.

Étangs du Carlit. Great landscape bejeweled with lakes beneath Puig Carlit.

I don't follow the same route back as I went up, I take the route that is called Boucle des Étangs du Carlit (12 étangs). It's a nice walk where you pass by several lakes through a nice landscape. It's clear that there is fish in the lakes here; there are quite a lot of fishermen out. The view today wasn't the best, but still it was a nice climb up to Puig Carlit.

<- BouillousesPlanes ->

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